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- Agriculture notes : diagnostic tests for ovine Johne's disease
- Agriculture notes : dill oil
- Agriculture notes : diseases of horses notifiable in Victoria
- Agriculture notes : diseases of linseed
- Agriculture notes : diseases of lucerne - 1: bacterial and viral diseases
- Agriculture notes : diseases of lucerne - 2: Fungal leaf diseases
- Agriculture notes : diseases of lucerne - 4: nematodes
- Agriculture notes : diseases of lucerne - 5: fungal stem diseases
- Agriculture notes : diseases of sunflowers
- Agriculture notes : diseases of white clover - 1: virus diseases
- Agriculture notes : diseases of white clover - 2: fungal diseases
- Agriculture notes : diseases of white clover - 3: leaf spot diseases
- Agriculture notes : diseases of young dairy calves
- Agriculture notes : don't play Russian Roulette with unregistered chemicals
- Agriculture notes : dorper sheep
- Agriculture notes : downy mildew of field peas
- Agriculture notes : dry sheep equivalents for comparing different classes of livestock
- Agriculture notes : dryland dairying : forage cereals : establishment
- Agriculture notes : earth mites
- Agriculture notes : earthworms
- Agriculture notes : effects of milking machine components on milking and masitis
- Agriculture notes : effects of milking machine hygiene : cleaning systems
- Agriculture notes : emus
- Agriculture notes : endophyte in perrenial grasses : effect on host plants and livestock
- Agriculture notes : energy and protein requirements for beef cattle
- Agriculture notes : enhanced trading options for dairy herds in the Victorian Johne's disease control program
- Agriculture notes : enhanced trading options for land carrying dairy cattle in the Johne's disease calf accreditation program (JDCAP) and the revised test and control program (TCP2)
- Agriculture notes : enzootic bovine leucosis
- Agriculture notes : ergot of pasture grasses
- Agriculture notes : establishing and managing tall wheat grass in saline soils for productivity
- Agriculture notes : estimating crop yields and crop losses
- Agriculture notes : eye cancer in cattle
- Agriculture notes : faba bean production
- Agriculture notes : faba bean varieties 2005
- Agriculture notes : facial eczema of sheep and cattle
- Agriculture notes : farm dairies: Herringbone platforms
- Agriculture notes : fattening steers on annual pasture
- Agriculture notes : feeding and calving pads for cattle
- Agriculture notes : feeding crop waste to livestock and the risk of chemical residues
- Agriculture notes : feeding crop waste to livestock and the risk of chemical residues
- Agriculture notes : feeding drought cattle with wheat
- Agriculture notes : feeding options for beef cattle
- Agriculture notes : feedtest : feed quality assessment for beef cattle
- Agriculture notes : fertilisers for dryland pastures (rainfall over 500 mm)
- Agriculture notes : financial assitance measures for ovine Johne's disease in Victoria
- Agriculture notes : finn sheep
- Agriculture notes : footrot in sheep
- Agriculture notes : forcing yards with 360-degree gates
- Agriculture notes : forcing yards with 360-degree gates
- Agriculture notes : forest care: dryland river red gum silviculture
- Agriculture notes : forest care: what is it?
- Agriculture notes : forming a dairy discussion group
- Agriculture notes : founder (laminitis) in horses
- Agriculture notes : free range pigs
- Agriculture notes : frost - its nature and control
- Agriculture notes : geese
- Agriculture notes : grain augers for farm use
- Agriculture notes : grass tetany (hypomagnesemia) in beef cattle
- Agriculture notes : grasses for dryland dairying: tall fescue: establishment
- Agriculture notes : grasses for dryland dairying: tall fescue: species and cultivars
- Agriculture notes : grazing cereals in North-West Victoria
- Agriculture notes : grazing management for beef cows on annual pasture
- Agriculture notes : grazing management of beef cows on annual pasture
- Agriculture notes : grey false wireworm and its management in seedling canola
- Agriculture notes : grey mould of pome fruit
- Agriculture notes : group Breedplan
- Agriculture notes : growing cereal rye
- Agriculture notes : growing cereals in Victoria
- Agriculture notes : growing cut Christmas trees
- Agriculture notes : growing garland chrysanthemum
- Agriculture notes : growing linseed and linola
- Agriculture notes : growing medics in the Mallee
- Agriculture notes : growing soybeans in northern Victoria
- Agriculture notes : growing wheat
- Agriculture notes : growth and nutrient uptake by effluent-irrigated eucalypts
- Agriculture notes : guide for agents conducting on-farm auctions of NLIS identified cattle
- Agriculture notes : guide to early age form pruning
- Agriculture notes : guidelines for animal ethics committee members in Victoria
- Agriculture notes : guidelines for provision of shelter for sheep
- Agriculture notes : guidelines for sampling soils, fruits, vegetables and grains for chemical residue testing
- Agriculture notes : handling drought on a small farm
- Agriculture notes : harvesting lupins
- Agriculture notes : harvesting silage
- Agriculture notes : hay preservatives
- Agriculture notes : health and mating management of heifers from weaning to first calving
- Agriculture notes : heifer nutrition from weaning to first calving
- Agriculture notes : heliotrope toxicity in sheep and cattle
- Agriculture notes : herd sampling for EBL screening
- Agriculture notes : herd testing programs to control bovine Johne's disease
- Agriculture notes : highland cattle
- Agriculture notes : hints on feeding grain to cattle
- Agriculture notes : hobby beekeeping
- Agriculture notes : hobby beekeeping
- Agriculture notes : horses and bushfires
- Agriculture notes : horses and floods
- Agriculture notes : how do selective herbicides work?
- Agriculture notes : how to recognize sick calves
- Agriculture notes : how to stomach tube a calf
- Agriculture notes : humane destruction of non-viable calves less than 24 hours old
- Agriculture notes : hydatids : a disease of dogs that affects people