- Election Campaigns (2787)
- Political Action (70)
- Political Humour & Satire (72)
- Political Parties and Politicians (2188)
- 2022 State Election South Australia (0)
- 2023 Mulgrave By-Election (25)
- 2023 Warrandyte by-election (20)
- Albert Park (3)
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (7)
- Australian Federal Government Ministers (0)
- Australian Prime Ministers (1)
- G20, Australia (2014) (0)
- New South Wales Local Government Councils (0)
- The National Apology (0)
- Victorian Greens videos (48)
- Williamstown (3)
- Dimirel : glimepiride
- Diprivan : propofol
- Direct care and funded programs : suggested amednments or additions
- Directional statement 2006 : the story the future
- Directions for physical activity : Vichealth discussion document
- Directions for use of 1080 fox bait for Victoria only
- Disability Act 2006 : a guide for disability service providers
- Disability leasing model presentation : workshop for community organisations
- Discernable
- Discharge planning for adult community mental health services : Chief Psychiatrist's guideline
- Discussion paper : a framework for alternative urban water supplies
- Discussion paper : alternative urban water supplies regulatory review : Industrial water
- Discussion paper : enforceable undertakings draft guidelines
- Distaph
- Ditropan : oxybutynin hydrochloride
- Dizole
- Domestic ballast water management in Victorian state waters
- Domestic smoke detectors are safe
- Don't put up with this rubbish : make litterers pay
- Donnie Grigau : Liberal for Bellarine
- Doorstop interview : Boronia, Melbourne : Prime Minister of Australia
- Dormizol (R) : zolpidem tartrate
- Dostinex : cabergoline
- Dr. Carina Garland MP
- Dr. Chloe Mackallah : Independent for Bayswater
- Dr. Chloe Mackallah : independent for Bayswater
- Dr. Jay Iwasaki : candidate for Merri-bek City Council - Bulleke-Bek Ward
- Draft : for comment : industrial water reuse guidelines
- Draft EPA publication 448 classification of wastes
- Draft environment protection (prescribed waste) (amendment) regulations 2007
- Draft guidelines : environment and resource efficiency plans
- Draft guidelines for environmental management : dual pipe water recycling systems : health and environmental risk management
- Draft guidelines for environmental management : use of biosolids as geotechnical fill
- Draft litter enforcement toolkit
- Drinking water guidelines & protocols
- Drought response protocol
- Ducene
- Duphalac (R) : lactulose 10.0 g/15 mL oral liquid
- Duphaton (TM) tablets : dydrogesterone
- Duplicate - Kate Thwaites MP for all : Jagajaga
- Duplicate Sorina Grasso @SorinaGrasso (Twitter page)
- Duplicate Anthony Carbines MP @ACarbinesMP (Twitter page)
- Duplicate Gabrielle de Vietri MP: Empty public housing in Richmond
- Duride
- Duro-K (R) : potassium chloride
- Duro-tuss (TM) chesty cough liquid plus nasal decongestant : bromhexine hydrochloride pseudoephedrine hydrochloride
- Duro-tuss (TM) dry cough liquid plus nasal decongestant : pholcodine pseudoephedrine hydrochloride
- Dylan Wight @dylanwightlabor (Twitter page)
- Dymadon (R) forte tablets
- Dynastat (R) : parecoxib
- Dysport : clostridium botulinum type A toxin-haemagglutinin complex.
- E-cigarette reforms : supplement to the Tobacco retailer guide about reforms commencing 1 August 2017
- EC news
- ECCV State Election Platform launched - Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria
- EM update
- EPA Victoria : Industry greenhouse program key outcomes
- EPA Industry Greenhouse Program : the story so far: a report evaluating the commitments made and the expected achievements of the program
- EPA Victoria : EPA's internal cap and trade scheme
- EPA Victoria : EPA's internal cap and trade scheme [Feb. 2010]
- EPA Victoria : annual report
- EPA Victoria : litter enforcement toolkit
- EPA Victoria carbon and ecological footprint calculator: event checklist
- EPA Victoria ecological footprint calculator : schools checklist
- EPA Victoria ecological footprint calculator: home checklist
- EPA Victoria ecological footprint calculator: office checklist
- EPA Victoria news
- EPA Victoria's Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management Plan
- EPA Victoria's greenhouse gas inventory management plan : 2012 - 2013 update
- EPA community engagement improvement strategy : East Bendigo contaminated subdivision
- EPA community engagement improvement strategy : Lower Loddon catchment ecological risk assessment (ERA)
- EPA community engagement improvement strategy : forest audit
- EPA consultation draft for environmental management : mining and extractive industry
- EPA discussion paper : the future of hazardous waste management in Victoria
- EPA fish death response procedure
- EPA goes carbon neutral
- EPA guidelines : tracomg faecal contamination in urban drains - toolkit
- EPA iformation bulletin : waste control at motor vehicle repair and service premises : best practice environmental management
- EPA information bulletin : City Link Burnley Tunnel
- EPA information bulletin : EPA noice surveys 2007
- EPA information bulletin : draft development plan : review of Environment Protection (Scheduled Premises and Exemptions) Regulations 1996
- EPA information bulletin : draft principles to establish EPA environmental obligations for water businesses for the 2008-2013 pricing determination
- EPA information bulletin : enhanced management of greenhouse-significant solid waste : commercial and industrial and building and demolition sectors
- EPA information bulletin : environment protection (prescribed waste) regulations 1998 : management of waste contaminated soil and low level contaminated soil
- EPA information bulletin : exotic marine organism : codium fragile subspecies green sea fingers
- EPA information bulletin : greenhouse gas emissions from landfills and wastewater treatment facilities : EPA tools and resources
- EPA information bulletin : guidelines for applicants - energy and greenhouse
- EPA information bulletin : guidelines for determining financial assurances - shedule 4 premises
- EPA information bulletin : guidelines for preparation of waste management plans
- EPA information bulletin : guidelines for the monitoring and assessment of coastal point source discharges
- EPA information bulletin : guidelines on noise from frost fans
- EPA information bulletin : industrial waste minimisation : procedures for waste assessment
- EPA information bulletin : interim guidelines for disposal of waste fungicide produced by apple and pear growers
- EPA information bulletin : interlaboratory odour study conducted with EPA approved method
- EPA information bulletin : methane generation from Victorian landfills
- EPA information bulletin : organotin antifouling paints
- EPA information bulletin : point source discharges to streams : protocol for in-stream monitoring and assessment
- EPA information bulletin : principles to establish EPA environmental obligations for water businesses for the 2008-2013 pricing determination
- EPA information bulletin : protecting our bays and waterways : partnership between EPA, MAV and Melbourne Water
- EPA information bulletin : protecting the environmental quality of Victorian waters review of state environment protection policy
- EPA information bulletin : rehabilitation of landfills exempt from licensing