- 2004 Queensland State Election Campaign (0)
- 2007 New South Wales State Election Campaign (0)
- 2008 Western Australia state election campaign (0)
- 2009 Bradfield (NSW) and Higgins (Vic.) by-elections (5)
- 2010 Altona (Vic.) by-election campaign (8)
- 2010 South Australian state election campaign (0)
- 2011 NSW State Election (0)
- 2012 Australian Capital Territory election campaign (0)
- 2012 Northern Territory Local Government Elections (0)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (57)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (7)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - political party web sites (8)
- 2015 Canning (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (157)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (32)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - electoral study and research web sites (0)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - political party web sites (12)
- 2018 Braddon by-election (Tasmania) (0)
- 2018 Cottesloe (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Darling Ranges (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Fremantle (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Perth (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Wentworth (NSW) by-election (0)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (154)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (27)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - political party websites (12)
- 2020 Eden-Monaro (NSW) by-election (0)
- 2021 Upper Hunter (NSW) by-election (0)
- 2021 Western Australia State Election Campaign (0)
- 2022 Australian federal election campaign (44)
- 2022 Callide (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2022 North West Central (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2022 State Election South Australia (0)
- 2023 Rockingham (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2024 Northern Territory Election (0)
- 2025 Federal Election campaign (4)
- 2025 Western Australia Election Campaign (0)
- Australian Prime Ministers (1)
- Bob Hawke (1929-2019) (0)
- Candidates - Victoria (1)
- Gladys Liu videos (0)
- Kate Thwaites videos (3)
- Labor 2010 leadership challenge (0)
- Labor 2013 leadership challenge (0)
- Liberal 2015 leadership (0)
- Liberal Victoria videos (0)
- Nationals Victoria videos (0)
- Oliver Yates videos (2)
- Kate Ashmor - Liberal for Macnamara
- Kate Gazzard : Candidate for Surf Coast Shire Council : Otway Range Ward : Australian Greens Victoria
- Kate Hely for North Ward Stonnington 2020
- Kate Kendall for West Ward
- Kate McKay : Candidate for Nillumbik Shire Council : Swipers Gully Ward : Australian Greens Victoria
- Kate Thwaites @ThwaitesKate (Twitter page)
- Kate Thwaites for all Jagajaga
- Kath Larkin @KathLarkin (Twitter page)
- Kath Larkin @VicSoc4Cooper (Twitter page)
- Kath Larkin for Cooper
- Kath Larkin for Cooper
- Kath Larkin speech at rally against Religious Discrimination bill
- Katherine Copsey
- Katherine Copsey @KatCopseyGreens (Twitter page)
- Kathleen De Courcy-Browne : a fresh and future-focused candidate for Merri-bek
- Kathleen Maltzahn @KPMaltzahn (Twitter page)
- Kathleen Maltzahn for Richmond
- Kathleen Maltzahn for Richmond (Youtube video)
- Kathleen Matlzahn
- Katie Allen MP
- Katie Allen MP @KatieAllenMP (Twitter page)
- Katie Clements : candidate for Mildura Rural City Council
- Katie George for Bakewell Ward
- Katie Hall @Katie_Footscray (Twitter page)
- Katie Hall MP : member for Footscray
- Katrina Rainsford for Southern Grampians Shire Councillor
- Keir Paterson : Federal Labor Candidate for Melbourne
- Keir Paterson @Keir4Melbourne [Twitter page]
- Keith Fagg : together making Geelong greater
- Keith Wolahan : Liberal for Menzies
- Keith Wolahan @keithwolahan [Twitter page]
- Kellie O'Callaghan @KellieOc (Twitter page)
- Kelly O'Dwyer @kellyodwyer [Twitter page]
- Kelvin Goodall For Moyne 2012
- Kelvin Thomson MP - Federal Member for Wills
- Kelvin Thomson MP - federal member for Wills (blog)
- Ken Betts @ken_betts (Twitter page)
- Ken Seymour for Holt
- Kenna Morrison : candidate for Merri-Bek City Council : Pentridge Ward
- Kerri McCafferty
- Kerri McCafferty @MccaffertyKerri (Twitter page)
- Kev Poulton
- Kevin Ekendahl for Melbourne Ports
- Kevin Riant : community advocate : Chicquita Ward City of Kingston
- Kew candidates forum
- Khaled Ajaj
- Khalid Farooq @KhalidF23396478 (Twitter page)
- Khalid Hassan : candidate for Chaffey Ward
- Kieran Simpson for Whitehorse Council
- Kim Carr @SenKimCarr (Twitter page)
- Kim Jong Un impersonator - Howard (X) @KimJongUndouble (Twitter page)
- Kim O'Keeffe for Shepparton
- Kim Wells @KimWellsMP (Twitter page)
- Kirsten Eltham : independent candidate : Kingston City Council 2012
- Kirsten Langford : a true local voice
- Kooyong electorate, Victoria, Australia [Peter Campbell, Greens Candidate for Kooyong]
- Kristen Langford : Liberal for North Eastern Metropolitan Region
- Krystle Michell @Krystle_LibDems [Twitter page]
- Kurt Reiter Liberal for Bellarine
- Kyle Hoppitt : Liberal Senate candidate for Victoria
- Kyle Hoppitt : Senate candidate for Victoria
- Kylie Gaston @gaston_kylie (Twitter page)
- LDP Victorian Branch @LDPVic [Twitter page]
- Labor (Christina Zigouras)
- Labor : Lauren O'Dwyer
- Labor First
- Labor southwest
- Labor will deliver a new dog park for Wantirna
- Labor will drive down energy bills by bringing in government-owned renewable energy
- Labour DLP : Victoria
- Lance Sinclair : candidate for Merri-Bek - Bababi Djinanang ward
- Laura Chipp : Australian Democrats Candidate for Isaacs, Melbourne
- Lauren Sherson : Liberal for Albert Park
- Lauren Sherson for Albert Park Ward
- Lavanya Thavaraja @lavanyathavaraj (Twitter page)
- Leanne Potter : new ideas. Fresh perspective
- Lena Kojadelian : candidate for Mulgrave Ward
- Lenka Thompson @lenkathompson1 (Twitter page)
- Lesley Fielding : Labor candidate for Croydon
- Let's fight for our future [Sonya Semmens]
- Letter to residents [Anthony Helou : elections October 2020]
- Leutton for Wannon
- Lewis Freeman-Harrison : Australian Sex Party candidate for Melbourne
- Libby Coker : Corangamite
- Liberal Victoria : cut the cost of traffic
- Liberal Victoria : get back in control of crime
- Liberal Victoria : jail means jail
- Liberal : Lucas Moon
- Liberal Democratic Party Victoria
- Liberal Democrats Victoria
- Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division)
- Liberal Victoria
- Liberal Victoria : Andrews : not who Victoria needs
- Liberal Victoria : cut the cost of Labor
- Liberal Victoria : cut the cost of Labor's budget blowouts
- Liberal Victoria : get back in control : cost of living
- Liberal Victoria : get back in control : population
- Liberal Victoria : get back in control of our streets
- Liberal Victoria : interview with Matthew Guy
- Liberal for Albert Park : Shannon Eeles