- 2004 Queensland State Election Campaign (0)
- 2007 New South Wales State Election Campaign (0)
- 2008 Western Australia state election campaign (0)
- 2009 Bradfield (NSW) and Higgins (Vic.) by-elections (5)
- 2010 Altona (Vic.) by-election campaign (8)
- 2010 South Australian state election campaign (0)
- 2011 NSW State Election (0)
- 2012 Australian Capital Territory election campaign (0)
- 2012 Northern Territory Local Government Elections (0)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (57)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (7)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - political party web sites (8)
- 2015 Canning (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (157)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (32)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - electoral study and research web sites (0)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - political party web sites (12)
- 2018 Braddon by-election (Tasmania) (0)
- 2018 Cottesloe (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Darling Ranges (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Fremantle (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Perth (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Wentworth (NSW) by-election (0)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (154)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (27)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - political party websites (12)
- 2020 Eden-Monaro (NSW) by-election (0)
- 2021 Upper Hunter (NSW) by-election (0)
- 2021 Western Australia State Election Campaign (0)
- 2022 Australian federal election campaign (44)
- 2022 Callide (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2022 North West Central (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2022 State Election South Australia (0)
- 2023 Rockingham (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2024 Northern Territory Election (0)
- 2025 Federal Election campaign (4)
- 2025 Western Australia Election Campaign (0)
- Australian Prime Ministers (1)
- Bob Hawke (1929-2019) (0)
- Candidates - Victoria (1)
- Gladys Liu videos (0)
- Kate Thwaites videos (3)
- Labor 2010 leadership challenge (0)
- Labor 2013 leadership challenge (0)
- Liberal 2015 leadership (0)
- Liberal Victoria videos (0)
- Nationals Victoria videos (0)
- Oliver Yates videos (2)
- Craige Kensen UAP Wannon @CraigeKensen [Twitter page]
- Crystal James @crystaljames_in (Twitter page)
- Cupper 4 Council
- Cynthia Watson : Liberal for Ringwood (video)
- Damien Richardson : Independent for the Senate : forward to freedom
- Dan Andrews and Labor: Delivering for all Victorians
- Dan Andrews' Speech at Labor's campaign launch
- Dan Tehan : Liberal for Wannon
- Dan Tehan @DanTehanWannon [Twitter page]
- Dan Tehan MP
- Dan Tehan MP [e-news]
- Daniel Abou-zeid - UAP Candidate for Corangamite @danielabouzeid (Twitter page)
- Daniel Andrews : Leader of the opposition
- Daniel Andrews @DanielAndrewsMP (Twitter)
- Daniel Caffrey for Morwell
- Daniel Guttman (Twitter page)
- Daniel McGlone
- Daniel Moloney : City of Ballarat (North Ward) candidate
- Daniel Mulino : State Member for Eastern Victoria
- Daniel Mulino : federal MP for Fraser
- Daniel Mulino @DanielMulinoMP (Twitter page)
- Daniel Mulino @Mulino4Fraser [Twitter page]
- Daniel Sapphire for Caulfield
- Daniel Sova @danielsovas (Twitter page)
- Daniela De Martino : delivering for all Victorians
- Danielle Green MP : State Member for Yan Yean
- DanielleGreenMP @DanielleGreenMP (Twitter page) [Danielle Green]
- Danny Cash : candidate for Maribyrnong City Council : River Ward
- Danny O'Brien : member for Gippsland South
- Danny O'Brien @DannyOBrienMP
- Danny O'Brien @DannyOBrienMP (Twitter page)
- Danny Pearson : State member for Essendon
- Danny Pearson MP @DannyPearsonMP (Twitter page)
- Danny Wan for Mount Waverley
- Darcy Dunstan : Liberal for Corangamite
- Darcy Dunstan : Liberal for Corangamite (video)
- Daria Kellander @DariaKellander (Twitter page)
- Darin Schade : Liberal for Bendigo East
- Darin Schade @SchadeDarin (Twitter page)
- Darrell S. Morrison : Victorian Candidate for the Australian Senate
- Darren Bergwerf : tradie, father, freedom fighter, patriot, friend, businessman and sportsman
- Darren Buller : Liberal for Corio
- Darren Cheeseman MP : Victorian Labor
- Darren Cheeseman MP : delivering for South Barwon
- Darren Chester MP : Federal member for Gippsland
- Darren Chester MP @DarrenChesterMP [Twitter page]
- Darren Lewin-Hill, Northcote independent
- Darren Natale for Malvern
- David Barrow : candidate for La Trobe
- David Breadmore for Red Hill Ward
- David Burgess : Liberal for Eastern Victoria Region
- David Clark : candidate in forthcoming election to Moyne Shire Council
- David Collyer : a new vision for Victoria
- David Collyer for Melbourne
- David Davis MP @DavidDavisMLC (Twitter page)
- David Dawson
- David Dillon : independent Victorian candidate for the Senate
- David Eastham : Chandler Ward candidate : Yarra Ranges
- David Eden : independent for South Ward : action not words
- David Ellis [1] now : more than ever
- David Farrelly : Liberal for Pakenham
- David Feeney MP : federal member for Batman
- David Gill, Coolart Ward Candidate, Responds to STPL Survey
- David Gillespie for North Ward
- David Hawker : federal member for Wannon
- David Hodgett MP : member for Croydon
- David Hodgett MP @DavidHodgettMP (Twitter page)
- David J Scanlon : your voice our community
- David James Connolly
- David Jeffery @davidleejeffery (Twitter page)
- David Knoff : City of Port Phillip
- David Koch MLC : member for Western Victoria
- David Koch, MLC : member for Western Victoria region
- David Limbrick @_davidlimbrick (Twitter page)
- David Limbrick @_davidlimbrick (Twitter page)
- David Massey for Knox City Council 2020
- David Mulholland : Liberal for Jagajaga
- David Mulholland @Dmulholland_ (Twitter page)
- David Mulholland for Wingrove Ward
- David O'Brien @davidobrienmp (Twitter page)
- David O'Brien MLC : member for Western Victoria region
- David Risstrom
- David Solly @DavidSolly4Eley (Twitter page)
- David Southwick : better together
- David Southwick @SouthwickMP (Twitter page)
- David Southwick MP : member for Caulfield
- David Tenni
- David Vincent for Streeton
- David Wood : Liberal for Fraser
- Davydd Griffiths @davyddgriffiths (Twitter page)
- Day 3 ISO: Jan 8 2022
- Deb Leonard : Independent Candidate for Monash @debleonard [Twitter page]
- Debbie Taylor-Haynes : Liberal for Bentleigh
- Debra Mar : candidate for Seawinds
- Debra Mar @DebraMar2020 (Twitter page)
- Debra Thorpe
- Declan Martin @declanmartin75 (Twitter page)
- Declan McGinness : candidate for Moonee Valley City Council : Fairbairn Ward
- Dee Ryall MP @DeeRyallMP (Twitter page)
- Deepak Joshi @JoshiGreens (Twitter page)