- 2004 Queensland State Election Campaign (0)
- 2007 New South Wales State Election Campaign (0)
- 2008 Western Australia state election campaign (0)
- 2009 Bradfield (NSW) and Higgins (Vic.) by-elections (5)
- 2010 Altona (Vic.) by-election campaign (8)
- 2010 South Australian state election campaign (0)
- 2011 NSW State Election (0)
- 2012 Australian Capital Territory election campaign (0)
- 2012 Northern Territory Local Government Elections (0)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (57)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (7)
- 2013 Australian federal election campaign - political party web sites (8)
- 2015 Canning (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (157)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (32)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - electoral study and research web sites (0)
- 2016 Australian federal election campaign - political party web sites (12)
- 2018 Braddon by-election (Tasmania) (0)
- 2018 Cottesloe (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Darling Ranges (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Fremantle (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Perth (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2018 Wentworth (NSW) by-election (0)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - House of Representatives election candidate web sites (154)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - Senate election candidate web sites (27)
- 2019 Australian federal election campaign - political party websites (12)
- 2020 Eden-Monaro (NSW) by-election (0)
- 2021 Upper Hunter (NSW) by-election (0)
- 2021 Western Australia State Election Campaign (0)
- 2022 Australian federal election campaign (44)
- 2022 Callide (Qld) by-election (0)
- 2022 North West Central (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2022 State Election South Australia (0)
- 2023 Rockingham (WA) by-election campaign (0)
- 2024 Northern Territory Election (0)
- 2025 Federal Election campaign (4)
- 2025 Western Australia Election Campaign (0)
- Australian Prime Ministers (1)
- Bob Hawke (1929-2019) (0)
- Candidates - Victoria (1)
- Gladys Liu videos (0)
- Kate Thwaites videos (3)
- Labor 2010 leadership challenge (0)
- Labor 2013 leadership challenge (0)
- Liberal 2015 leadership (0)
- Liberal Victoria videos (0)
- Nationals Victoria videos (0)
- Oliver Yates videos (2)
- Robin Scott : a conversation with the Minister for Multicultural Affairs (video)
- Robin Scott : a splendid victory made possible by your hard work and support! (video)
- Robin Scott : four more dangerous and congested level crossings to go in Preston (video)
- Robin Scott @RobinScottMP (Twitter page)
- Robyn Nolan : Vote 1 Nolan : candidate for Como Ward
- Robyn Walsh (Twitter page)
- Rod Barton : community driven, fairness focused
- Rod Barton MP @RodBarton4 (Twitter page)
- Rod Swift @RodSwiftGreens [Twitter page]
- Rod Swift @rod4footscray (Twitter page)
- Rod Swift @rod4gorton [Twitter page]
- Roger Howe for the Senate (Australian Democrats)
- Rohan Leppert @RohanLeppert (Twitter page)
- Rohan Waring @rohanwaring (Twitter page)
- Rohit Singh @rohitsingh4HW (Twitter page)
- Roma Britnell MP : Member for South West Coast
- Roma Britnell MP @RomaBritnell (Twitter page)
- Ron Bauer for Bass
- Ros Spence : State Labor member for Yuroke
- Rosalie Hastwell for Mount Alexander Shire
- Rose Iser @RoseIser (Twitter page)
- Rosebud Hospital urgently needs upgrading
- Rosemary Cousin : Candidate for South Gippsland Shire Council : Tarwin Valley Ward : Australian Greens Victoria
- Ross Lyman : Liberal for Indi
- Rowan Payne
- Roxane Ingleton : Candidate for Melbourne City Council Lord Mayor
- Roxanne Horn for Chandler Ward : a candidate who cares
- Roz Ward @roztward (Twitter page)
- Ruben Steen @SteenGreens (Twitter page)
- Ruby O'Rourke @vote1ruby [Twitter page]
- Russell Broadbent : International Women's Day 2022
- Russell Broadbent : My health, my choice, my responsibility
- Russell Broadbent : Trust must win out
- Russell Broadbent @BroadbentMP [Twitter page]
- Russell Broadbent MP : federal member for McMillan
- Russell Broadbent with Member for Gippsland, Darren Chester
- Russell Joseph : Liberal for Nepean
- Russell Northe @russellnorthemp (Twitter page)
- Russell Northe MP : member for Morwell
- Ruth Stanfield @ruth_stanfield (Twitter page)
- Ryan Bruce @Ryan_TNL (Twitter page)
- Ryan Bruce for Aston : campaign costs
- Ryan Smith MP : member for Warrandyte
- Ryan Smith MP @RyanSmithMP (Twitter page)
- SFFP Victoria @SffpVictoria (Twitter page) Shooters Fishers and Farmers Victoria
- Sahil Tomar : Liberal for Bundoora
- Sahil Tomar : Liberal for Jagajaga
- Sally Brennan : Labor for Eildon
- Sally Capp : Lord Mayor for Melbourne
- Sally Capp @sallycapp (Twitter page)
- Sally Davis @DavisConcept [Twitter page]
- Sally Gibson : Independent for Elwood Ward
- Sally Gibson for Brighton
- Sally Walshe : candidate for Maribyrnong City Council : Burndap Ward
- Sam Alcordo
- Sam Birrell for Nicholls
- Sam Gayed : Liberal for Bendigo
- Sam Groth : Liberal for Narre Warren South
- Sam Groth : all policies
- Sam Hibbins @Sam_Hibbins (Twitter page)
- Sam Hibbins MP : Member for Prahran
- Sam Hibbins for Prahran (Youtube video)
- Sam Hibbins for Prahran (video)
- Sam McColl @mccoll_sam [Twitter page]
- Sam Ozturk @Sam4YanYean (Twitter page)
- Sam Poustie : Candidate for City of Yarra : Lennox Ward : Australian Greens Victoria
- Sam Sergi Candidate for Wills @AUSTRALIANFEDE9 [Twitter page]
- Samantha Byrne @SamanthaByrneMV @SamanthaByrneMV (Twitter page)
- Samantha Dunn MP @SamanthaDunnMP (Twitter page)
- Samantha Dunn: Eastern Victoria : the Greens
- Samantha Mason : Candidate for Mill Park Ward : City of Whittlesea : Australian Greens Victoria
- Samantha McIntosh
- Samantha McIntosh : Liberal for Ballarat
- Samantha Meredith : candidate for Maribyrnong City Council : Saltwater
- Samantha Ratnam (Twitter page)
- Samantha Ratnam for Wills : leader of the Victorian Greens
- Sammi Clarke @SammiClarkeFPOV (Twitter page)
- Sandeep Sarathy
- Sanjeev Sabhlok @Sanjeev_Sabhlok (Twitter page)
- Sanjeev Sabhlok for Bulleen @Sanjeev_Sabhlok (Twitter page)
- Sanjeev Sabhlok's blog
- Sanjeev Sabhlok's blog : thoughts on economics and liberty
- Sarah Connolly @SarahConnollyMP (Twitter page)
- Sarah Connolly MP : Labor member for Tarneit
- Sarah Fenton independent : your voice for Bellarine
- Sarah Hathway @SarahForLara (Twitter page)
- Sarah Henderson : Liberal senator for Victoria
- Sarah Henderson @SHendersonMP [Twitter page]
- Sarah Jefford @Sarah_Jefford_ [Twitter page]
- Sarah Jefford, Greens for Wills
- Sarah Newman : Federal Candidate for Hawke
- Sarah O'Donnell
- Sarah O'Donnell candidate for Mordialloc @SarahODonnell (Twitter page)
- Sarah Race : candidate for Nepean Ward
- Sarah Russell : independent for Flinders
- Sarah Wade : Liberal for Ballarat
- Save the Planet
- Savitri Bevinakoppa : Liberal for Hotham
- Sayeed Aslam
- SayeedAslam- @_Sayeed_Aslam (Twitter page)